Take A Closer Look
Demo 1
Introduction to Automatic System Generation and Data Preprocessing (Mike Barna) 2006
Demo 2
Running the Trading System Lab: Trading System Generation (Mike Barna)
Demo 3
eMini ES Daytrading System Generation in 8 minutes (Mike Barna)
Demo 4
ORB on the OMX with TSL (Mike Barna)
Demo 5
(ARCHIVED)Indicator Evolution for Stocks in 4 minutes (Mike Barna)
Demo 6
MESA Enhanced Data Preprocessor for TSL (John Ehlers)
Demo 7
Beyond Portfolios: Evolved Index Portfolio Trading System (Mike Barna)
Demo 8
EL Translator, eMini ES with Evolved Money Management (Mike Barna)
Demo 9
Beating Buy and Hold: Evolving SPX Trading Systems (Mike Barna)
Demo 10
Nine SPY Candles: OOS Path Intelligence and Sparse, Legacy Data (Mike Barna)
Demo 11
Pairs with Money Management (Mike Barna)
Demo 12
Behaving Well: SPX with 60% OOS (Mike Barna)
Demo 15
Data Preprocessors: SPI200 Trading System with evolved money management (Mike Barna)
Demo 17
Quick Review-TSL Ver 1.0 Release Demo1 (Mike Barna)
Demo 18
Quick Review-TSL Ver 1.0 Release Demo2-ES, SP, ER, RU (Mike Barna)
Demo 22
(ARCHIVED)Advanced Daytrading Systems Info (Mike Barna)
Demo 24
US and JY System Evolution (Mike Barna)
Demo 25
Daytrading Systems-Part1 (Mike Barna)
Demo 26
DT Systems-Part2 (Mike Barna)
Demo 27
e-Mini Russell Daytrading Systems-Part3 (Mike Barna)
Demo 28
e-Mini SP HF DT Systems-Part4 (Mike Barna)
Demo 29
US Bond Daytrading Systems-Part5 (Mike Barna)
Demo 30
e-Mini SP Daytrading Systems-Part6 (Mike Barna)
Demo 32
Back To Basics-Indu ORB (Mike Barna)
Demo 33
High Freq SPY 500tk (Mike Barna)
Demo 34
Small Portfolio (Mike Barna)
Demo 35
Options Spreads and Strangles (Mike Barna)
Demo 41
DayTrading Alternate Markets (Mike Barna)
Demo 42
Custom PP code, Hilbert Transform, Variable Accumulation Distribution (Mike Barna) (For Clients Only)
Genetic Programming for Predictive Modeling (Frank Francone)
Demo 44
(ARCHIVED)TSL Paired Distributions: See Demo 62
Demo 45
(ARCHIVED)TSL Version 1.1 Update Briefing (Mike Barna) (For Clients Only)
Demo 48
Multi Data Design: eMini S&P and VIX (Mike Barna)
Demo 49
TSL Hyperthreading (Mike Barna)
Demo 50
TSL HFT OrderBook (Mike Barna)
Demo 51
TSL Version 1.3 (Mike Barna)
Demo 52
TSL EVORUN #1 (Mike Barna)
Demo 53
(ARCHIVED)LinkedIn Automated Trading Strategies Group(Mike Barna)
Demo 55
(ARCHIVED)Traders World Online Expo(Mike Barna)
Demo 56
Important: Data for Machine Designed Systems (02/17/2014)(Mike Barna) (For Clients Only)
DAS Introduction
Demo 58
DAS Demo
Demo 59
Post Design Evaluations
Demo 60
DTDB demo and SubSystem Report
Demo 61
Super Buffer Update
Demo 62
Scatter Plot and Wilcoxon
Demo 63
Day of Week Machine Design with Day Trade Discrete Bar
Demo 64
TSL Indicators for Sale
Demo 65
Bitcoin Algorithm Machine Design
Demo 66
ASCII-ThirdParty Data Import to TradeStation
Demo 67
TSL Review using a 36 Core Alienware PC
Demo 68
Multiple Instances of TSL on One PC
Demo 69
TSL Portfolios and Next Open Update (Aug 2019)
Demo 70
20 Simultaneous Instances with PID and non-Shared(Dec 2019)
Demo 71
TSL Seasonal Strategy Code Writer (Jan 2020)
Demo 72
TSL and QuantHouse Integration-3 steps in 8 minutes. (July 2020)
Demo 73
TSL Platform Review (Feb 2021)
Demo 74
TSL Platform Review (Feb 2021)
Demo 75
TSL Lite
Demo 76
TSL Lite Data Import
Demo 78
TSL on AMD 3990x 64 core Threadripper CPU
Demo 79
Performance Enhancement
Demo 80
Ninja 8 TSL Lite Interface
Demo 81
TSL Pro Training Outline
Demo 82
TSL on the AWS Workspaces Cloud. Note: TSL and TSL Lite are not included in AWS cloud pricing.
Demo 83
TSL to Ninja Interface
Demo 84
Custom Preprocessing, time frames, data series, patterns and indicators. Oct, 2022
Demo 85
Daytrading Systems using TSL Professional and TSL Lite. Feb. 2023
Demo 86
Trading System Lab Sketchbook
Demo 87
Trading System Lab and Chat GPT
Demo 88
Trading System Lab Daytrading System Design (Feb, 2024)
Demo 89
Introducing Quant Systems Lab (Mar, 2024)
Demo 90
Quant Systems Lab Systems Design (Mar, 2024)
Demo 91
Alpha Factors Platform (July 2024)
Demo 92
Alpha Factors Platform Beta5 (July 2024)
Demo 93
Alpha Factors Platform Beta6 with API (July 2024)
Demo 94
Alpha Factors Platform Beta8 Purchase Pre-Release at discount (August 2024)
Demo 95
Alpha Factors Platform Beta9 Discount available before release soon (August 2024)
Demo 96
Alpha Factors 2 Data Translation (September 2024)
Demo 97
ChatGPT verses TSL Pro and Alpha Factors (October 2024)
Demo 98
Alpha Factors Basic Use (Oct 2024)
Demo 99
Alpha Factors Intermediate (Oct 2024)
Demo 100
Alpha Factors Advanced (Oct 2024)
Demo 101
Alpha Bars Topology Prediction (Feb 2025)
Risk Disclosure: Futures and forex trading contains substantial risk and is not for every investor. An investor could potentially lose all or more than the initial investment. Risk capital is money that can be lost without jeopardizing ones’ financial security or life style. Only risk capital should be used for trading and only those with sufficient risk capital should consider trading. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.
Hypothetical Performance Disclosure: Hypothetical performance results have many inherent limitations, some of which are described below. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown; in fact, there are frequently sharp differences between hypothetical performance results and the actual results subsequently achieved by any particular trading program. One of the limitations of hypothetical performance results is that they are generally prepared with the benefit of hindsight. In addition, hypothetical trading does not involve financial risk, and no hypothetical trading record can completely account for the impact of financial risk of actual trading. for example, the ability to withstand losses or to adhere to a particular trading program in spite of trading losses are material points which can also adversely affect actual trading results. There are numerous other factors related to the markets in general or to the implementation of any specific trading program which cannot be fully accounted for in the preparation of hypothetical performance results and all which can adversely affect trading results.